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Astronomy Cafe

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Faliraki 85100, Greece
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About Astronomy Cafe

A different way to holiday. Change a beach program to an educational program in the star garden. Apartments and observatory offers a remarkable experience, panoramic view, breathtaking night scenery, relaxation, instruments of observatory, refreshment, performance of the enthusiastic and hospitable owner Stergos Manolakas. The scenic location that the "Hipparchos" Οbservatory is housed, offers at its guests the privilege of tranquility close to nature and breathtaking scenery. The guest has the opportunity to live an experience of observational Astronomy with our instruments of "Hipparchus" observatory, observing the moon, planets, nebulae, galaxies, and many other astronomical objects of the starry sky. Made with care in our star-garden the guest can observe uranography, even find out how a live sundial works and see a static geographical compass orientation, and much more... Η πρόσβαση στο αστεροσκοπείο επιτρέπεται σε παιδιά μόνο άνω των 7 ετών. Access to the observatory allowed only for children older than 7 years. Zutritt zur Sternwarte nur für Kinder über 7 Jahre. Вход в обсерваторию разрешён только с детьми старше 7 лет How to find us: Coming from the highway Rhodes Town to Lindos you pass some traffic lights, after the road to Faliraki Centre and the St. Nektarios Church and about 150 meters away you find the next set of traffic lights where you branch off left and continue the street on the right. Pass Evi-hotel and a small Roundabout. Continue about 350 meters then go right towards Liberia-hotel, on the left there is a Tennis court. After about 650 meters you will find a crossing (Profitis Amos Church) here take the middle street way, so you will find after 250 meters two yellow buildings. Passing by take the street right hand up the hill. Then turn left.

Contact details

Phone: +30 2241 086112

