Manolis Restaurant Lindos
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Lindos 85107, Greece


About Manolis Restaurant Lindos
We are a family restaurant.We count on our passion and the quality of our ingredients,offering creative Greek cuisine and grill ,particularly based on local and fresh products! Looking foreward to take care of you to our place!!!
Contact details
Phone: +30 2244 032052
Phone: +30 2244 032052
Sleep nearby
- Georges Luxury Villas37 meters away
- Lindos Luxury Retro Villas37 meters away
- Lindianmyth Studios37 meters away
- Aphrodite White Studios Lindos37 meters away
- Casa Lindos70 meters away
Eat & Drink nearby
- Timi's Place Restaurant10 meters away
- Village House15 meters away
- Lov'eat24 meters away
- Acropolis Roof Garden Restaurant33 meters away
- Canteen Vlicha37 meters away
Party nearby
- Lindian Apollo Bar22 meters away
- Red Rose37 meters away
- 40437 meters away
- Giorgos Food Coctail Bar75 meters away
- Pals Bar79 meters away
See & Do nearby
- Lindos34 meters away
- Village of Lindos40 meters away
- The Church of the Panagia48 meters away
- Acropolis of Lindos183 meters away
- Parking Lindos326 meters away